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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  November 28, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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buy exotic island or a bunch of cars for friends and family. right now, this time structure, at this holiday season, i probably would get lots and lots of bills and go visit all my friends and family out in new york city. >> well, i would buy lionel messy and christian renaldo and take them to my arsenal soccer team. i don't care what it costs. i think it's great. it gives people a little bit of hope and fun. you do a wonderful job. congratulations. thank you for joining me. >> thank you. good luck. >> thank you. i need it. that's all for us tonight. "ac 360" starts right now. thanks, piers. 10:00 p.m. on the east coast. we begin the way anderson does every night. keeping them honest, not choosing sides or playing political favorites. plenty of that on the other cable news channels. we're interested in facts. they do exist, our goal is to
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show them to you honestly. tonight, the facts about taxes that a majority of americans established on election day, and an even big erma jort endorsed in recent polling most recently, a leading republican lawmaker on board. they agree with the president who wants to let taxes go up on income more than a quarter million dollars a year. mr. obama and the democrats get their way, doing a deal to raise just those rates would avoid the fiscal cliff, where all bush era tax cuts on all tack tax brackets expire at the ends of the year. the election, popular opinion and more give president obama a lot of clout right now. and you can agree or disagree with the president's policy. that's for you to decide. republican congressmen tom cole of oklahoma disagrees stronsly. at the same time, he recognizes the political reality that all tax cuts will expire on january
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1st and no one wants to raise taxes on what would amount to 98% of all taxpayers. >> in my view, we all agree that we're not going to raise taxes on people that make less than $250,000. we should just take them out of discussion right now. continue to fight against any rate increases, continue to try to work honestly for a much bigger deal. >> congressman cole joins us shortly. a rock rib conservative. chair of the national republican congressional committee, and he's no longer a lone voice in the wilderness. the staunchly conservative editorial page of "the wall street journal" is on board as well. i'm quoting now. the fact is that republicans face a new political reality on taxes. president obama's re-election means that taxes for upper income earners are going up one way or another. the question, how republicans should handle this reality. congressman cole and a number of other con serbives believe they should give this one to the president, not because they want
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to, but because they have to. republican leaders, though, they disagree. >> i told tom earlier in our conference meeting i disagreed with him. it will hurt small businesses, hurt our economy. it's why it's not the right approach. >> now, you can agree or disagree with that position. however, keeping them honest, house speaker john boehner and other top republicans trying to justify it in part by playing down the fact that president obama and democrats got a significant boost from voters. >> in politics, there is always a temptation among those who win office to think they have a mandate to do what they will. >> i don't think so because they also re-elected the house republicans. so whether people intended or not, we've got a divided government. >> the american people have also made clear there is no mandate for raising tax rates. >> keeping them honest, president obama campaigned and won on letting taxes go up for the top earners, so his victory
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throws a little cold water on that claim. democrats gained seats in the senate and the house and recent cnn/rnc polling shows more than 2 in 3 support tax hikes for the wealthy. u.s. a reality that republicans will grapple with from now until new year's day. joining me, congressman tom cole from oklahoma. a republican. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> your proposal, republican lawmakers should agree with democrats, exstand the tax breaks for those making $250,000 or less, before the end fortunate year, deal with the tax rates for the wealthiest later. an idea that a lot of republicans are resisting. what kind of pushback are you getting? >> the reaction is mixed. some support it. some don't. some have more questions about it. but, look, the issue really is pretty simple. i don't believe in raising tax rates on anybody. i think it's bad for the economy. bad for job creations.
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ultimately by slowing down growth cuts revenue, and the president needs to come to the table with real spending restraint and real, frankly, entitlement reform. having said that, if we agree taxes shouldn't go up on 98% of the people, shouldn't we take that now and get that set aside, make sure they know their taxes aren't going up? they will listen to us and will win an argument in the other areas. putting people at risk when they agree their taxes shouldn't go up is something in my opinion we shouldn't do. >> speaker boehner earlier today told house republicans they need to stick to their position, tax rates should remain frozen. i guess they believe, and a lot of republicans say if you do what you are suggesting, you will lose a lot of rev rage as far as entitlement cuts or other spending cuts are concerned. how do you respond to that? >> i respect that point of view. i don't agree with it. frankly, i don't think you ever use the american people as a hostage in a negotiating type situation, and i think at the end, this is really the leverage
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for the democrats, not the republicans. my advice was given privately at a whip meeting. i was asked what i thought, asked again what i thought later. my position hasn't changed, somebody leaked it. i'm happy to talk about it it's my point of view, the speaker will negotiate the deal with the president it will be a tough deal. come back and ask for support. i've supported him every time he's asked to us make a tough vote. i'm sure i did will do that again. i have a lot of confidence in him as a negotiator. when i'm asked my opinion, as to what we should do with 98% of the american people, i would say let's protect them and continue the fight. >> is this an idea you are totally committed to and ready to fight for it in spite of the pushback you are getting from members, including grover norquist who puts forward the no new tax pledge. >> i admire grover norquist, i think he's done a lot of good. i signed that pledge, honored to do it. i don't think we're breaking it, i want to make all of the tax
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cuts permanent quite frankly. this is a debate about political tactics, a difference over political theology. all republicans want to make sure we don't increase taxes. where we differ with democrats. if there is a place we can get 80% of the bush tax cuts for 98% of the american people made permanent, we should do that and continue to fight for the rest. >> i spoke to grover norquist yesterday, he opposes anything along the lines of allowing debate to go forward next year over the 2% and 3%, and the riches americans, those making $250,000 a year. he want it all part of the same package. you disagree with it? >> well, look, grover norquist is my friend. and we talk, you know, political strategy and politics, this is my position. it was given in private, and when it was asked it was laked by somebody. again, that's fine. not going to say one thing to you that is different than i would say to my own constituents in oklahoma. this is what i tell them.
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congressman what should we ought to do. i'm one voice. i'm not king of the universe. i support my conference. trying to do the right thing, i support my speaker. in this case, the democrats and president are trying to use the tax issue. instead, they ought to be coming to the table with real spending cuts, entitlement reform and compromised proposals. so far, they haven't done it. >> tom cole, thank you for joining us. >> wolf, thank you. >> joining us, republican senator rand paul of kentucky. senator thanks for coming in. let's get to the so-called fiscal cliff. the president has set a goal. $4 trillion in debt reduction over the next decade. are there any specific ways of reaching that figure that both of you might agree on? >> well, you know, one compromise i can agree with democrats on, we need to cut military spending. so i think the compromise is conservatives like myself who think national defense is very important should compromise on military spending and liberals
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should compromise on entitlements and social welfare spending, that compromise should get to spending cuts. >> here is the question, though. both sides are going to have to compromise, beyond defense spending, any other compromise you could see you supporting? >> mostly has to be to me on the spending side. we used to spend about 20% of gdp. now spending 25% of gdp. federal spending has gone up at an alarming rate in the last four years. people come to me and said say we have to raise taxes on rich people. one there, is not enough money. two, when you raise rates, you get less revenue. sometimes you find when you lower rates, you get more revenue. >> what do you make of fellow republican proposal that the tax rates should be extended for those making $250,000 or less, about 98% of americans and deal with tax rates for the
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wealthiest americans at another day? >> once you separate them out, not a lot of sympathy among the public for rich people. they say, oh, let's get those rich people. but the public often doesn't realize, the rich people are paying all of the income tax. the top 1% pay almost half of the income tax, when the president says it's bad to raise taxed on everyone, that would be taxmageddon. i want to raise it on 40% of the nation's income? that's a mistake. bad to raise taxed on everyone, bad to raise taxes on 40% of the nation's income. better to leave that money in the hands of those who earned it. leave it in kentucky. leave it in the private sector. >> i understand you don't want to raise the tax rates on anyone, rich or middle class or anyone, but what about capping deductions, eliminating loopholes, stuff like that? are you open to that? >> yes, if it's for tax reform. it's not going to happen in this. if we were to lower rates, for example, you could lower the top rate from 35% to 33%, and
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actually get more revenue and get rid of some of the deductions at the same time. but i'm not going to vet to bring more revenue to washington. i want less money coming to washington, less money spent up here and that's how you get the economy to grow. we won't have more economic growth if we send more money to washington. we'll have less economic growth. >> if the republicans hold firm to that position just spelled out in significant detail, there is not going to be a deal between now and december 31st and all americans, for all practical purposes, middle class, rich, they will see tax rates going up january 1st. how will you feel about that? >> the thing is, last year we did make a deal. the president came forward, whether have you sluggish mechanic growth, raising taxes a bad idea. we have economic growth less than 2% now, why would raising taxes now be a good idea? if it was a bad idea last year, it's still a bad idea, and i think while i do think there is
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room for compromise, one person doesn't get to define where the compromise is. >> senator, the administration, the president who was re-elected, impressive electoral college win, got a majority of the vote, he ran on the notion of raise little taxes on the wealthiest americans, i suspect he's -- he's probably going to hold pretty firm on that, but we'll see what happens over the next three or four weeks, that clock is ticking. anything you want to leave us with? >> as long as we're spending money on robots and squirrels, don't raise any taxes. >> thank you, senator, very much. >> let us know what you think. follow us on twitter @ac 360. up next, what what happened the night four americans died in libya and their attempt to explain the explanation. a potential nominee for secretary of state may have sunk a little deeper today.
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keeping them honest on the libya tragedy. the obama's blurry account after the fact. there are plenty of unanswered questions about what went wrong. for now, most of the attention is focused on the messaging afterward. another scorching day today for one of the chief messengers, u.n. ambassador susan rice, who president obama might try to make secretary of state. a day after a rocky session with senators john mccain, lindsey graham, kelly ayotte, she met with susan collins of maine. >> i continue to be troubled by the fact that the u.n. ambassador decided to play what was essentially a political role at the height of a contentious presidential election campaign by agreeing to go on the sunday shows to present the
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administration's position. >> this is what she's talking about. one of several appearances ambassador rice made five days after the consulate killings. >> our current assessment is that what happened in benghazi was, in fact, initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in cairo. what we think transpired in benghazi, opportunistic extremist elements came to the consulate as this was unfolding. >> notice the phrase extremist elements. we since learned that ambassador rice was speaking from talking points edited to remove any names to any hey jihadist dproupz, including an al qaeda affiliate. david petraeus said the intelligence community made the edit. yesterday while accompanying ambassador rice on the hill, michael morrell said the fbi was responsible and then the cia
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contacted senators and said the acting director misspoke and it was actually the cia who changed the talking points. we said last night, it's a bit of a mess and a real change for president obama who defended susan rice today, but did not mention libya. >> guys, thank you. we want to get back to work. thank you so much, guys. >> any talk on that at all? >> susan rice is extraordinary. couldn't be prouder of the job she has done for the u.s.. >> here to talk about it the former cia officer raul gerecht and also joining us, fran townsend. she was president gorge w. bush's homeland security adviser, serves on the cia's external advisory committee. fran, have you been at the white house when a potential nominee
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is in trouble with a member of congress. you know what a high-spakes meeting this was. a lot of preparation goes into a meeting like this, and that makes it more surprising to me, and i'm sure to you, that the acting cia director, michael morrell would stumble so badly. first, saying the fbi, changed those public talking points and having a cia official call the senators back six hours later, and saying it was actually the cia that took out the references to al qaeda. even if it was an innocent mistake, it sort of adds fuel to the fire, doesn't it? >> that's right, wolf. and, look, you know, this was the -- the event took place on september 11th. mistakes in the early days, the first few days, are understandable. because of the fog of war and conflicting reports. you can sort of excuse that. but this far later, it's really unfortunate. mike morrell, senate confirmed as the deputy prior to this, a
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career officer. very well respected. i imagine he is furious at having made the mistake, and having been given bad information. there really is no excuse for it across the administration, this late in the game, for these meetings were so critically important to be making those kinds of mistakes now. >> and raul, you say it's not an insignificant mistake that mike morel made. >> no. i mean, i don't think so. i mean, the administration got itself into a lot of trouble, particularly ambassador rice got herself into a lot of unnecessary trouble. being so assertive on television and denying the possibility that you have an organized terrorist attack in benghazi. the narratives of cairo got conflated with the narratives in benghazi and if ambassador rice and others in the administration had just been a little less determined to say in this
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well-known video now was behind it all, i think this problem never would have happened. >> raul, as for the talking points that were used by ambassador rice, a great, great contention. a number of unanswered questions. as a former cia officer, you say her performance raises a red flag. officials are supposed to analyze this information for themselves, but isn't there a danger in having a political appointee like a u.s. ambassador in a sense freelancing when sensitive classified material is concerned? >> no, i don't really think so. ambassador rice could have easily have said that we may have had an organized terrorist group that may have been affiliated with al qaeda behind attack in benghazi, i don't think it would have been compromising of any sincetive information. i think the administration has
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used that as an excuse. you know, america has a lot of overclassification, no doubt about it. but that's one reason we have adults in senior positions, who are supposed to be able to handle this. i don't really think it would have been all that difficult for her to give a somewhat more nuanced constitution ed explan happened in benghazi. >> you agree with raul? >> normally before a sunday show, the communicators and those who drafted the talking points, this case, perhaps the intelligence community, will prepare the individual going out on the sunday shows, especially when they are going to do multiple shows to understand where the lines are. we don't know if that happened here if it didn't, it certainly should have. it leads to saying that you learn how to make a more nuanced
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argument. this was just poorly handled. the talking points, poorly coordinated, went out there, making sound crystal clear, and i think she was both poorly serbed and then she didn't really use the talking points she was given in the way that she might have to get to raul's point. >> fran, have you been to libya, you were there just before the terrorist attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. you were warning al qaeda was gaining a foothold in libya. what do you make of the reason why those direct references to al qaeda were deleted? >> you know, it's not -- oftentimes, wolf, these talksing points went to multiple agencies, probably a dozen agencies and dozens of people touched them and nobody ever took final responsibility for the clearing of them, sort of a typical bureaucratic fumble. the more frustrating thing, what we're not talking about. we continue to talk about the
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talking point, what's been lost is what you say. prior to the events it was clear terrorists were gaining a foothold in eastern libya, where wasn't more done to prevent the attack, give them the security they needed? the substance is sort of lost and the debate about the talking points and that's the far more important issue to me. >> fran, raul, thanks very much for joining me. >> thanks very much. >> pleasure. rebel fighters in syria claiming a major victory. they say they have shot down three regime military aircraft in the past 24 hours, including a mig fighter jet. if so, the regime may be taking hits from its own weapons. arwa damon on the scene. she joins us next. if you are one of the millions of men who have used androgel 1%, there's big news.
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tonight, meet the man who runs 2,000 dialysis clinics across america. a $7 billion business. now the company is accused of what may be the largest medicare fraud in u.s. history. we're keeping them honest, ahead on "630." schwab ira, and we'll help you tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 find new ways to make your money work harder. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 so if you're ready to teach your old 401(k) some new tricks... tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 talk to chuck. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 rollover your old 401(k) tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 to a schwab ira tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and you can receive up to $600. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 see tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 for terms and conditions. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 call, click or visit tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 to open an account today. good boy.
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in syria, new signs that the regime is being battered with its own weapons, opposition fighters say they have shot down three syrian military aircraft in the past 24 hours. here is what arwa damon and her team found at the site of one of the crashes. rebels claim that's the wreckage of a mig fighter jet they brought down this is appeleppo province. this was posted online by rebels. it shows a helicopter they claim they shot down with a missile. it appears to take a direct hit. there it is. n can't verify the video's authenticity. until now, rebels haven't had the firepower to pull off attacks like these. but they have captured a number of government bases. arwa damon has visited one of the bases they seized and sees
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the surface to air missiles they have. they claim they shot down three syrian military aircraft over the past 24 hours. you went to the scene of the one of the crashes today. tell our viewers, what you saw? >> in the past 24 hours this was certainly a pretty dramatic development, giving one of the main complaints is that they don't have the capability to take on the regime's air power. we went to the scene of where a fighter jet was down earlier. we saw the burnt wreckage, spanning quite a distance and being picked through by villagers, young and old alike, rejoicing in the fact that they were finally able to see something that had caused them so many nightmares because of the jets pounding, the helicopters pounding the various villages nonstop. becoming trophies of war they were proudly showing off. children on the back of a tractor, making off with a
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sizable tangled lump of metal. we spoke to one man, who said he was an eyewitness to everything. he was picking olives, the crash happened in the middle of an olive grove. he saw the plane being hit. two pilots ejecting. at this point, everyone fanned out looking for the pilots, and he said they managed to find one of them unconscious with a head injury and they are looking for the second pilot right now. >> you also, ar wa, went to a former syrian air force base, headquarters if you will, seized by the rebels where heavy weapons were confiscated. what did opposition fighters tell you. >> it is the seizure of the base at they tell us they were table bring down the jet and able to bring down the two other aircraft, two helicopters. this base is massive. i mean, it spans as far as the eye can see. there was an incredibly intense battle that took place there for 24 hours. but that is after the rebels
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actually laid siege to the base for two entire months. they managed to clear all of the villages around the base of excess loyalists and fighters and they prevented -- they were telling us, regime helicopters from bringing in resupplies and forced to air drop supplies to the unit that were trying to keep a grip on the base. often times, they would miss their target and supplies would end up on rebel hands, and they thought their enemy was weak enough. that is when they moved in. and they are telling us, they captured a treasure trove of weaponry from this location. heavy machine guns, ak-47s. most importantly of all, wolf, the anti aircraft missiles. they found hundreds of them. even though they are not all functioning, in fact, there is video posted to youtube right after the assault took place, showing stacks of metal boxes, soviet era anti aircraft missiles, so while at this point, the regime does still
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have the military advantage, simply because of the sheer size of its arsenal, many are telling us, right now the balance is beginning to ever so slightly shift. >> is there a sense? you are on the ground in northern syria, one of the sides, the regime or opposition has the upper hand right now where you are in northern syria? >> the rebels are slowly, slowly gaining ground, but at this point in time, the regime has the advantage of its air power and military arsenal. and there has been one scene resonating for our entire trip on this date from all of the fighters, all of the activists we were talking to, the longer the power, the greater the strength of extremists that have managed to infiltrate the string of the opposition, an arm of al qaeda as well. >> very upsetting development.
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could be the largest case of medicare fraud ever. a dialysis company accused of throwing away hundreds of billions of dollars of medicine, with taxpayers putting the bill. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms
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texas authorities take steps to seize the polygamist ranch used by warren jeffs. why they are making the move.
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toenlt, keeping them honest with an example of how much money can be made treating six americans. in downtown denver, a company called devita moved into this brand new $101 million office tower, complete with gardens, fountains and a private gondola for meetings. what does it too do? are runs 2,000 dialysis clinics across the united states. a dialysis empire runs by a guy
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who dresses like a three musk musketeer and leads his employees, who he calls villagers, in cheers. >> devita! so good to get out of that ceo costume and back to my regular clothes. >> with an estimated $15 million a year, he's the best compensated ceo in colorado. why should you care? because most of his company's revenue comes from a single source. taxpayers. more than 2/3 of devita's revenue comes from medicare and red ca medicaid payments which is why the allegations are so alarming. if true, the company threw away hundreds of millions of dollars of medicine, and you paid for it. it could be the largest case of medicare fraud in u.s. history. here is drew griffin.
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>> looks good. >> reporter: it was just by chance dr. alan boehner, a medical director in georgia, was discussing clinic procedures with one of the nurses, daniel barber. and the two saw something they believed they saw was very wrong. medicine, lots of it, was being tossed in the trash. and the clinic workers were being told to do it. >> when we sat down and we started talking about it, and getting into details, we actually realized exactly what is going on. >> reporter: the alleged waste being carried out on a massive scale and nurses and doctor knew almost immediately just why. it was a way for the company, davita to fraud the government, overbill medicare and maedicaid and make money. we're talking about a fortune. >> hundreds of millions, easily. off the profits of this company, direct from those schemes.
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only from those two drugs. hundreds of millions of dollars. >> reporter: and because we're talking about defrauding medicaid and medicare, that's hundreds of millions that you, the taxpayer paid for. the doctor and nurse say the alleged fraud schemes were going on at the clinics across the country, more than 1,800 of them. with tens of thousands of patients. multiply the numbers, the waste, and the billing? dr. vainer says it was all a deliberate strategy. >> absolutely. just a scheme in order to fraudulently increase and maximize and boost the medicare revenue. made care payments, to increase revenue. >> reporter: here is how dr. vainer in instructed nurses to administer a 100 milligram dose of iron called venefer. >> this is venofer. it's iron. >> reporter: how much is this? >> 100 milligrams. so, for example, if a patient
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requires this dose once per week, you would administer 100 milligrams, waste nothing. charge waste nothing. what davita did, they did 50 mill xwr grams out of this one, 25, 75 into the trash. 25, 75 to the trash. essentially two whole i'll havit were wasted. >> reporter: the more they used, the more they were able to bill the government. vainer and barber tried to call attention to the massive waste and tried to get it stopped. they were basically told to stop causing trouble themselves and continue following the company's protoc protocols. >> that's what upset me the most and that's when i went to dr. vainer, and i said, dr. vainer, i can't do that. >> barber quit his job and left the clinic, rather than continue where fraud was going on.
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dr. vainer claims the company punished him for speaking out. >> once they found out, they did not renew my medical directorship or my practice. and it was a significant loss of revenue. >> reporter: today, both men have filed a whistleblower lawsuit under the u.s. false claims act on behalf of the u.s. government. charging davita with massive medicare fraud. they stand to make millions if davita is found guilty. davita's ceo wouldn't talk, but the company's attorney, kim rivera did. the allegation is pretty simple that davita was being paid to throw away medicine and came up with schemes as the plaintiffs call it, grids to maximize profits, in terms of throwing away waste. what is davita's response? >> that's just wrong. if you look at the facts of the case, first of all, the doctors
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make dosing decisions. when you look at what the practices were, the decisions were being made by doctors, based on what was in the best interest of their patients. and they took into account a variety of things. you can't just look at, you know, one issue. you have to look at things like infection control, what the patient's going to do, how the patient will do with particular doses, and so during that entire time, what we did, what the doctors did, was appropriate. >> reporter: but other companies, including davita's main competitor, used smaller vials, smaller combinations, limited what was thrown away. davita only reiterated to us that the decision to throw away medicine was for sound clinical reasons and never to increase waist wastage. attorneys who claim davita made as much as $800 million
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overbilling the government say that defense won't hold up in court. >> it's not just the taxpayers that are the victims here. it's the health care system. >> it doesn't take a graduate degree to understand what's going on here this is just dishonesty. >> reporter: davita denies that and vows to fight the case in a georgia court. earlier this year in texas, though denying it did anything wrong, davita settled a similar case for $55 million. pat burns with the watchdog group taxpayers against fraud, says the bigger problem is even if the company gets caught cheating government, the company executives never seem to face any punishment. fines are paid, business continues as usual. >> the way it's set up right now, if the fraud is not caught, then taxpayers foot the bill. if the fraud is caught, stock holders foot the bill. >> reporter: burns and others have been arguing for much harsher treatment when companies
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are caught defrauding the federal government. he points to record billion dollar fines, particularly in the pharmaceutical business, that are paid but executives don't get punished, and the companies continue to do business with the government. in fact, one of davita's defenses to cnn is that the federal government itself has declined to charge the company with wrongdoing, even after reviewing the fraud allegations. >> the government has come in and thoroughly investigated what the allegations are, and in both cases, the government decided to drop it and move on. >> the u.s. attorney did decline to prosecute the case, but says the decision should not be construed as a statement about the merits of the case. >> u.s. department of justice simply doesn't have the people. >> reporter: pat burns says the short-staffed u.s. department of justice declines to join lawsuits all the time. instead, allowing private citizens who hire private lawyers, to essentially prosecute for the government. which brings us back to one doctor and one nurse who stand
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to make millions if those allegations of fraud are proven true. the biggest winners, though, in their lawsuit would be taxpayers. the u.s. government will recover the bulk of whatever they win. they and others like them, are essentially the u.s. taxpayers' deputies in the fight against health care fraud. are you surprised that you guys have to defend the u.s. taxpayer? not the u.s. government knocking on this door? >> i'm not surprised. it is not easy to come up, come forward and stand up and tell the truth. but it's the right thing to do. >> reporter: their case, set for trial later this year. >> drew griffin joins us now is there a chance davita just settles this case like the one they settled in texas and put all these allegations behind them, continue to do business with the government? >> the attorney for davita couldn't rule that out but insists this time they will fight the allegations, as for
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continuing to do business with the government, that is the bread and butter of davita's $7 billion business. davita needs the government, wolf, and will most likely do everything it can to make sure it has that contract in place to keep working. >> yet, even with all of the money at stake, drew, and so much fraud being alleged, here, why isn't the government's own lawyers taking up the case? is davita right in saying that is the case? >> where are the government's lawyers? the u.s. attorney in georgia would be the one to push the case. congress has set aside more than $600 million, but the u.s. attorney based in atlanta has decided not to intervene. does that mean she thinks that this is a bad case? she wouldn't answer our calls. all she would tell us in a letter, the u.s. attorney stated its lack of prosecution should have no bearing on the case and a reminder, wolf, if these two
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guys win, the doctor and the nurse win, the biggest winner is the u.s. taxpayer. and 15 yea0 years after dr. albert einstein's brain, we're getting a look. that next. got sacked by blackouts.budy but it's our tradition! that's roughing the card holder. but with the capital one venture card you get double miles you can actually use. [ cheering ] any flight, anytime. the scoreboard doesn't lie. what's in your wallet? hut! i have me on my fantasy team.
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let's face if. we all knew deep down albert einstein's brain was difference than ours. but new research published in the journal "brain" show that those differences are serious and how it mate explain his genius. the paper includes photographs of his cerebral cortex, taken in 1955678 fast forward to 2012. you can imagine the interest these images hold for the chief medical correspondent, the neurosurgeon, sanjay gupta. sanjay gupta joins us now. what can you tell us about a brain just by looking at it from the outside? >> take a look at some of the images over here and pay close attention to the convolutions, the ridges and the valleys, if you will, of the brain. this is something that develops as the brain develops and can even change as someone goes
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through their life. what we notice in einstein's brain in particular there, are a lot of convolutions in comparison to other brains of people his age at the time he died, more convolutions than normal. more ridges and valleys. that's important. have you more surface area to the brain then. more surface area means more new neurons and that alone doesn't indicate that someone will be more intelligent. but what if means probably more likely is they have the capacity for it. >> how does einstein's brain differ from most people's? >> keep in mind, it's hard to know exactly what the differences mean. take a look at this image in particular, wolf. you see a split in the brain there. in that frontal lobby, ae. that's unusual. we don't know for sure what that means. but that part of the brain is responsible for executive decision making, responsible for judgment, responsible for getting tasks done. so someone -- if they are a
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great thinker but never act on those thoughts, never actually deliver on those thoughts and maybe the world would have never known. one more image really quick, wolf, the paretal lobbies. notice that they are different from ligright to left. everybody has a little variation, but in einstein, it's quite different. on the right side, that is responsible for spatial relations. that is the area of the brain where that's done. in einstein's brain, quite large compared to other brains examined. >> anything about einstein's brain that has implications for a mere mortal like us? >> i thought about that a lot as well. the one thing really interesting is this idea that are you born with it or do you develop it? ist the nature/nurture question. ask the same thing when it comes to einstein's brain. look at this one image over here
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and look specifically at the middle of the brain, on that left side, you see sort of an upside down horseshoe area, wolf. that area is responsible for your motor control. for example, and in this case, somebody who has really fine dexterity would have a developed area of the brain. einstein was a musician, played the violin. here is whyist so important. he couldn't have been born with that. that is something he developed. he became a better progressive musician, that part of the brain changed. >> sanjay himself a neurosurgeon. a lot of experience with brains. sanjay, thanks very much. >> thank you, wolf. any time. >> also very, very smart guy. let's get the latest on other stories we're following. here is the 360 bulletin. the new york nanny charged with murder of two children has pleaded not guilty. she is accused of fatally
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stabbing the little girl and boy. when their mother came home, she found her children dead and she saw ortega stabbed herself with a kitchen knife. a "360" follow on polygamist leader warren jeffs, serving a life sentence on bigamy charges. texas has taken legal action to seize the ranch where jeffs sexually abused children. and the powerball drawing tonight, the odds of win, 1-175 million. wolf is back right after this. ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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